What!! Some of Alaska’s Inside Passage under 60 dollars! Not kidding. Travel and Adventure Show Video

Parts of Alaska’s Inside Passage under 60 dollars Alaska Marine Highway System on a budget
At the top of my Bucket List: Alaska. When I looked into it, there is just ridiculous prices to experience it. So I buy lottery tickets and hope for the best. Postcard Travelers is all about crafting your own experience to get the best out of life and travel. Looking for the postcard picture perfect experience, maximizing my budget. When I met Lorene Palmer of Alaska’s Inside Passage I told her ‘You are my new best friend!” And pulled over my colleagues at Comcast Chabot 27 to interview her. You must listen to what she says. [Video Link]

You can go from some of the most insanely beautiful locations in the world… the Inside Passage for under $60.00. What!! That’s right. Like we have a public bus and BART system, Alaska has a waterway transit system ‘The Alaska Marine Highway System’ (AMHS). It only makes since for the local community to be able to get from one town to the next. Not like you can drive over a glacier to get home. Example Juneau to Sitka is a 9 hour ferry ride around $53.00! Woot, woot, woot!
You can thank me later. Come to find out my mom took this transit system when she went to Alaska and drove her camper on the boat a bit more than just going on the ride. There are cabins you can sleep in as well. My fantasy is to, of course, kayak around the glaciers. I never even thought bringing my own car or motorcycle was a possibility. So I am in fantasy heaven working out the details! In the meantime, here is the interview with Eddie Hazzard (Chabot 27) at the Travel & Adventure Show and link to http://www.alaskasinsidepassage.com/ please let us know about your experience if you happen to go before me. Tips please! XOXO
Stacy Poulos
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