Europe 2001-12 Paris and going home Augest 10, 2001.

PS You should start with the beginning and work your way backwards through my Europe trip #1 this is #12 coming home.

Europe Map 2001
Europe Map 2001

Paris and Home August 10, 2001.
Date: Fri., 10 Aug. 2001 04:50 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
To: Group

I amvenice_oldman leaving today at 5:30 p.m. to HOME.
I can’t wait. We will stick to the plan of not drinking and doing train, plain, and automobile so that we make it!
I will be going back in time as I fly 10 hours and be in Oakland sometime around 7:30 p.m. Sandy, make sure you get a hold of me.
Someone let my mom, Georgia, know I’m OK and Deana’s mom is picking us up. Peace Out
Love Stacy
P.S. I will be sending a summary of my trip soon.
P.S. of P.S. I’m back on a French ass backwards keyboard.

By Stacy Poulos

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Notation: We got back August 11, 2001 September 11, 2001 happened exactly 1 month after we got back.  My Step Dad who raised me got to read some of my post but passed away less than two weeks after I got back. I am thankful I had a opportunity to share my journey with. Rest in peace. I will forever influenced by your love and care in my life.

In the meantime, I have 11 tapes to edit about this journey.


PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List:
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Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-11 Brussels, Belgium hot spot Manikin Piss!

Belgium Brussels, Belgium

Date: Thu, 9 Aug. 2001 13:45 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Belgium, Euro 2001 Belgum 8_6_01
To: Group
We were only here to pick up a patch for my backpack and to see some hot spots including Manikin Piss. That’s right folks, Manikin Piss, as the legend goes was some little boy that peed on a bomb, putting out a fire and saving the town of Brussels.
So, my Nana (i.e. Grandma) had this statue of a kid peeing and I just thought it was one of those wird things she had. Anyway, in Brussels he was more famous than Oprah.
We had a Belgium waffle, great stuff. Then went on our merry way to our final destination, Paris.

Belgium ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Belgium ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

The train ride was a challenge. We were especially warned about pick pockets in this area, so D & N went to the luggage room to watch their bags while I was left to watch the purses, conveniently located on the seats. I positioned myself so no one could sit behind me and I watched the purses. In the meantime this distract-er/decoy guy started talking to me in some foreign language asking me something trying to divert my attention in the opposite direction. I rudely said, I speak English, not wanting to deal with him because my keen instinct told me something was up. I turned my head back to the purses and a nice looking man in a pin stripped suite was walking off with Deana’s purse. I yelled at him and grasped at his coat, he dropped her bag and ran off the train. I would have kicked his ass and chased him off the train, but I was worried about the decoy guy getting my $3,000 camera, as well as our plane tickets. I looked back at my camera and Nachelle’s purse for the decoy guy but he ran off the train too thinking –this bitch is crazy. So I let him go, yelling for Deana, she strolls back thinking I’m yelling at her because she taking too long or something. In the meantime I’m hyped up and yelling at the train people for them making us move our bags in the first place. They felt bad and gave us a free cup of coffee. We made it to Belgium with everything.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List:
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Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-10 Amsterdam, Holland; Red lights and Magic Mushrooms.

Amsterdam, Holland

Date: Thu, 9 Aug. 2001 13:25 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: America is not free..
To: Group
America is not free, Amsterdam is!
Freedom to be free. Whatever that may be. Love, drugs, prostitution, whatever.
It’s much different here. You can even have a really bad hairdo and be accepted. No one would even do a double take if you were smoking a joint or had a really bad hairdo. They wouldn’t even flinch if two men were making out on the street.
There are “Coffee Shops” all over town that you –can’t– buy a beer but you can buy grams of pot, Magic Mushrooms, Crystal; it’s on the freaking MENU! And legal! You want to buy sex, that’s another street. The Red Light District. Window shopping like you’ve never seen before.
BUT, in the mix of all this that has raised many questions in my head. There is this thing that is called “Free will” where you don’t have to partake in all this freedom.
You would think that with this much freedom, the town would be out of control. Its not. The people are nice as well as the town. It’s not any cleaner than Hayward, California. Or as corrupt as it is either. You can smoke a joint of Hashish, but you can’t illegally park your car or they will lock up your tires with huge gadgets.
Amsterdam is definitely an experience, what goes on in front of your face, is what goes on double at home. Don’t worry I have practiced my “free will” to sustain from all the wildness. ..for the most part, I especially didn’t do anything illegal.
Vincent Van Gosh lived here and we went to the Museum where they display his art. One evening we splurged on a candle light boat tour of the canals.
The bicycles has more right-of-way then the pedestrians and cars. In fact we all have had many close calls. Nachelle actually got hit or side swiped by one.
From the minute I learned they had a Sex Museum here I wanted to go. But fate keep me away for days, Nachelle and Deana even went before me.
If Deana’s grandpa is listening, he bought all us girls dinner in Italy, and I wanted to thank him. I’ll have to give him a big kiss when I get back.
We’ll my friends, I am tired and ready to goooooooo home.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List:
Need a product or service reviewed?
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Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers