Tag Archives: Europe2001

Europe 2001-12 Paris and going home Augest 10, 2001.

PS You should start with the beginning and work your way backwards through my Europe trip #1 this is #12 coming home.

Europe Map 2001
Europe Map 2001

Paris and Home August 10, 2001.
Date: Fri., 10 Aug. 2001 04:50 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
To: Group

I amvenice_oldman leaving today at 5:30 p.m. to HOME.
I can’t wait. We will stick to the plan of not drinking and doing train, plain, and automobile so that we make it!
I will be going back in time as I fly 10 hours and be in Oakland sometime around 7:30 p.m. Sandy, make sure you get a hold of me.
Someone let my mom, Georgia, know I’m OK and Deana’s mom is picking us up. Peace Out
Love Stacy
P.S. I will be sending a summary of my trip soon.
P.S. of P.S. I’m back on a French ass backwards keyboard.

By Stacy Poulos

Back Home

You too can make your own blog at  www.SuperGeniusWebsites.com a Product of http://www.Playback.net © 2010

Notation: We got back August 11, 2001 September 11, 2001 happened exactly 1 month after we got back.  My Step Dad who raised me got to read some of my post but passed away less than two weeks after I got back. I am thankful I had a opportunity to share my journey with. Rest in peace. I will forever influenced by your love and care in my life.

In the meantime, I have 11 tapes to edit about this journey.


PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-11 Brussels, Belgium hot spot Manikin Piss!

Belgium Brussels, Belgium

Date: Thu, 9 Aug. 2001 13:45 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Belgium, Euro 2001 Belgum 8_6_01
To: Group
We were only here to pick up a patch for my backpack and to see some hot spots including Manikin Piss. That’s right folks, Manikin Piss, as the legend goes was some little boy that peed on a bomb, putting out a fire and saving the town of Brussels.
So, my Nana (i.e. Grandma) had this statue of a kid peeing and I just thought it was one of those wird things she had. Anyway, in Brussels he was more famous than Oprah.
We had a Belgium waffle, great stuff. Then went on our merry way to our final destination, Paris.

Belgium ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Belgium ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

The train ride was a challenge. We were especially warned about pick pockets in this area, so D & N went to the luggage room to watch their bags while I was left to watch the purses, conveniently located on the seats. I positioned myself so no one could sit behind me and I watched the purses. In the meantime this distract-er/decoy guy started talking to me in some foreign language asking me something trying to divert my attention in the opposite direction. I rudely said, I speak English, not wanting to deal with him because my keen instinct told me something was up. I turned my head back to the purses and a nice looking man in a pin stripped suite was walking off with Deana’s purse. I yelled at him and grasped at his coat, he dropped her bag and ran off the train. I would have kicked his ass and chased him off the train, but I was worried about the decoy guy getting my $3,000 camera, as well as our plane tickets. I looked back at my camera and Nachelle’s purse for the decoy guy but he ran off the train too thinking –this bitch is crazy. So I let him go, yelling for Deana, she strolls back thinking I’m yelling at her because she taking too long or something. In the meantime I’m hyped up and yelling at the train people for them making us move our bags in the first place. They felt bad and gave us a free cup of coffee. We made it to Belgium with everything.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-10 Amsterdam, Holland; Red lights and Magic Mushrooms.

Amsterdam, Holland

Date: Thu, 9 Aug. 2001 13:25 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: America is not free..
To: Group
America is not free, Amsterdam is!
Freedom to be free. Whatever that may be. Love, drugs, prostitution, whatever.
It’s much different here. You can even have a really bad hairdo and be accepted. No one would even do a double take if you were smoking a joint or had a really bad hairdo. They wouldn’t even flinch if two men were making out on the street.
There are “Coffee Shops” all over town that you –can’t– buy a beer but you can buy grams of pot, Magic Mushrooms, Crystal; it’s on the freaking MENU! And legal! You want to buy sex, that’s another street. The Red Light District. Window shopping like you’ve never seen before.
BUT, in the mix of all this that has raised many questions in my head. There is this thing that is called “Free will” where you don’t have to partake in all this freedom.
You would think that with this much freedom, the town would be out of control. Its not. The people are nice as well as the town. It’s not any cleaner than Hayward, California. Or as corrupt as it is either. You can smoke a joint of Hashish, but you can’t illegally park your car or they will lock up your tires with huge gadgets.
Amsterdam is definitely an experience, what goes on in front of your face, is what goes on double at home. Don’t worry I have practiced my “free will” to sustain from all the wildness. ..for the most part, I especially didn’t do anything illegal.
Vincent Van Gosh lived here and we went to the Museum where they display his art. One evening we splurged on a candle light boat tour of the canals.
The bicycles has more right-of-way then the pedestrians and cars. In fact we all have had many close calls. Nachelle actually got hit or side swiped by one.
From the minute I learned they had a Sex Museum here I wanted to go. But fate keep me away for days, Nachelle and Deana even went before me.
If Deana’s grandpa is listening, he bought all us girls dinner in Italy, and I wanted to thank him. I’ll have to give him a big kiss when I get back.
We’ll my friends, I am tired and ready to goooooooo home.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-9 Berlin, Germany; on the midnight train from Hell!

Westside Wall Berlin, Germany ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Westside Wall Berlin, Germany ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Berlin, Germany

Date: Sun, 29 July 2001 07:49 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Photos Europe
To: Group

We made it to Berlin on the midnight train from Hell. The first 2 hours I slept in a very narrow walkway against my back pack on the train with my feet on Deana’s backpack and some man`s head on the other side of my backpack. Eventually people cleared out of the over packed train and we had our own seating to sleep. Anyway it`¥s an experience a minute.
My cousin Greg was able to post a website that shows some of the photos from our trip. I don`¥t know if I will be able to get more on before I get back.
Hope you enjoy.


The German language is supposedly the most pure language from which all others came. To me it’s the most difficult one because the words are so long. Every time they say something it sounds like they are trying to say ka-ka (as in ka-ka and poo-poo) or some form of liver worst. I would image in a German dictionary the “K” section is the largest. I’m part German myself, and I have no desire to learn the language nor Greek for that matter. French on the other hand rolls off the tongue and “bologna sandwich” sounds like an elaborate French meal.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-8 Munich, Germany and some, the first Nazi German concentration camp.

Munich, Germany

Date: Sun, 29 July 2001 07:16 (PDT)

Dakcow, Germany ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Dakcow, Germany ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Munich, Germany and some, Euorope
To: Group
Miss me? : ) I don¥t have a lot of time to tell you all the wonderful stories and places we have gone. But tonight we have broken our “don¥t drink and do train rule.”

See, since we only had a few hours to kill before our train leaves, we decided to drink beer, instead of coke, it`¥s cheaper here in Germany. We are in Munich, Germany (Mun¥`ick) and broke another rule, staying away from subjects that we cannot agree on. Especially when we are all dropping eggs around here. Never the less, we are always finding out about the world around us, and about ourselves. What a wonderful difference.
I told the girls that we can either talk politics, religion, how much we love each other, or I can just drop a note to you all.
Here I am. Yesterday, we left Salzburg, Austria (Where The Sound Of Music was filmed in 1965) and two very wonderful men (Peter & Dick) who not only took care of us, told us stories, lots of stories, but also fed us real home cooked food. Both men are friends of my cousin Greg. Peter is a retired famous actor/singer and all around talented man. Dick is a flamboyant Famous Producer of Vegas type shows, as well as many others. He also has acted and worked with many famous people. So we had a relaxing, yet colorful experience learning about show biz, Austria, and Mary…the virgin Mary. They are both very loving and vibrant and we thoroughly enjoyed their company and stories.
Today we went to Dachau. Dachau was a Nazi German concentration camp, and the first one opened in Germany, 10 miles outside of Munich. It was very sad to know such human suffering went on and still goes on in other ways, in the US and around the World. It certainly made an impression on us, as well as made us realize how lucky we are. There are explicit pictures of the atrocities that went on, from human experiments, to suicides, to escape attempts, gas chambers, and photos of discarded people piled up on top of each other. We toured the insides of gas chamberes that once murdered hundreds of Jews at a time. Most people don’t know but Jews were not the only targets and many others suffered and died at the hands of the Nazi’s.
I have written a lot about my experiences and wish I can beam them to you, via my palm pilot. I haven`t written much since Santorini. There is so much to tell. When I wrote you from Roma I said I was on my way to the church to light a candle for Joseph… It was closed. Then I had to get on a bus, to get on a train, to get on a plane, to get on a boat, to get in a truck, to get to our hotel. Sooo..

Venice, Italy ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Venice, Italy ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

I lit a candle in a church that was open at night in Mykonos, Greece, then we got in a truck, to get to a boat, to get in a cab, to get on a plane, to get on a bus, to get on a train, to get to Venice, Italy. And there I actually found a church that was open to pray, not for tourist attractions. There I lit a candle and said to Joseph, you finally made it to Italy.
My train will be here in 20 minutes and the girls are now probably franticly looking for me, so I must go.
We are on our way to Berlin, Germany and will get there tomorrow at 8 a.m., my favorite time of the morning to get up and pee, then go back to sleep.
Caio’ for now.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-7 Venice, Italy Holy land of churches.

Venice, Italy

Italy ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Italy ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Venice, Italy Laundry ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Venice, Italy Laundry ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Today I saw a Catholic “Nun” walking around with Birkenstocks on (A kinda thong), and a “Priest” with Tivas on (a tennis shoe). Their modern day sandals I guess. Other than that they seem pretty official looking with their robes, black dress and Nun hat, all the way down to their Rosary beads. It’s funny how in this region where I believe “Religion”  originated, you can’t just go to church.

Venice, Italy Gondola ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Venice, Italy Gondola ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Most of them are closed. Today, 23 days later into my trip, around the Holy land of churches, was the first day I found one I could actually go into to pray that wasn’t a tourist trap. You can’t go too many blocks in Europe without running into a church. Maybe it’s my timing? Anyway, on my way to do laundry I found one that I could sit in and wasn’t bombarded with tourists or guarded, or you have to pay an entry fee!
When I went to light a candle for Joseph in Rome, the doors were locked closed, and we had to get on the bus, to get to our hotel, to get our stuff, to get on another bus, to get to the train, to get to a cab, to get on a plane, to get in another cab, to get on a boat, to get in a van, to get on a moped, to get to one that was open.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-6 Mykonos, Greece, He said, you can walk every where, I’m thinkin’ what does he consider walking distance?

Serios, Greece ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Serios, Greece ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Mykonos, Greece

Date: Tue, 18 July 2001 01:55 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Mykonos, Greece, Eurorp
To: Group
Mykonos reminds me of the Catalina Island with the buildings butted up against a waterfront road. It’s like Roma where hotel owners try to get your business as you get off the train, here they try as you get off the boat. They all stand behind a gate hooping and hollering to all the tourist walking by. Most all of them have a presentation binder held open to a page of what their hotel looks like. Being the chief negotiator, D & N left this part up to me.

Mykonos, Greece
Mykonos, Greece

As one woman told us about her place, I told her we were on a limited budget and what we were willing to pay. One young man amongst twelve, stepped up to take my offer, as he showed me his place in his booklet. His father was waiting with a van to drive us. It’s right in town, and he said, you can walk every where, I’m thinkin’ what does he consider walking distance? A Paris block, a Switerland block (i.e. a country mile) a Roma Block? How do the Greek Islander’s measure. How big are their shrimp? We follow him to his van where two other men were trying to discourage us from going to his hotel. Not sure why, or who to trust. They were kind of obnoxious. I figured we had a better chance with the man and his son. He said air conditioning was available.

So we got our hotel, which turned out decent, it was clean, 4 beds, a dresser, a safe, the shower that stayed in one piece when you touched it (I checked). Well, it was a typical Greek shower where you had to hold up the shower head. I guess the whole point is to rinse. Turn off the water, lather, rinse, and get the hell out. Being on an Island, the water has to be rationed. I asked him about the air conditioning? He handed over a typical house fan, smile, ya know just a fan that spins around, of course for a few extra bucks. Humm.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-5 Santorini, Greece, Santorini is clean, pure, and beautiful.

Santorini, Greece
Santorini, Greece

Santorini, Greece
Date: Tue, 17 July 2001 01:55 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Santorini, Greece, Erorpe
To: Group

Sadly we are leaving paradise. My new favorite place. Every turn is a postcard opportunity. Santorini, Greece.

Cookieman, Santorini, Greece ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Cookieman, Santorini, Greece ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Here graffiti is a romantic event. The island is literally from a Volcano, so there are white, red, and black beaches. Along this breath taking road, (not breath taking JUST because of it’s beauty, but because of how narrow the roads are, and how far of a drop it is to the bottom). Especially when the biggest buses they make, is coming your way, around a corner and you have to pull over. Not so bad going into town, because you get to pull over closest to the mountain. On the way back you have to pull over to the 1000 foot drop with no railing, kind of breath taking. My mom would love this place, however she would not like getting around the cliffy roads.

Anyway, along this one road to get to our town, there is this a red wall of volcanic rock. People use white rocks to spell out there name on the side. It’s very cool.
Santorini is clean, pure, and beautiful. One night, crowds of people were walking as though there was a concert or on the way to Church. So I investigated where the action was and it was simply to see the amazing sunset. The Churches are simple, yet make a powerful and pure statement by being so simple.



We are on our way to Mykonos. I gotta go. So much to say.
Caio’ for now.  -Stacy

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-4 Roma, Italy and Gstaad, Einrichtungsgebuehr Auenue in Switzerland, Swerland, Swicherland

Roma, Italy Rome ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Roma, Italy Rome ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Gstaad; Switzerland

Date: Fri., 6 July 2001 14:12:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Swerland ; Gstaad – Erorpe 2001
To: Group
I have had the most amazing day. Yesterday was a warning, today was a blessing.

Yesterday we arrived in Gstaad, Swicherland. I took many photos and videos on the way. I highly recommend this trip to the Swiss alps. Every turn you make is like a post card from God. Even if you were to fall down and look up. It^s beautiful.
The air is clean, the water, the sky, the ground, and the people. The people are nice and have high values. Yesterday, when were all geared up to get off the train. Deana looked back and said, aww… look, the old man dropped his handkerchief. So I put down my purse, picked up two pieces of paper to scoop it up, and chased after him off the train, to give him back is handkerchief worth $2 American dollars. We were so enthralled with the good deed we did, we didn’t realize my mini backpack was on the train to the Alps, not a comforting feeling. Can you imagine anywhere in the Bay Area? In a panic, we tried to get together the resources to get the bag but the train had reached it^s last destination, and closed. It was 6:30 p.m.
The next day it was returned with 50 US Dollars cash, 200 Paris French Franks, three hundred AM Ex Travelers checks, and two of my personal checks. There was nothing we could do, I have good purse return karma, and sealed it with a prayer. Then I said screw it, rented a scooter and took some amazing photos. The next day it was in my hands un-opened and everything intact.
After a ride around town. I finally got a TRANSFORMER, not a converter. So I can charge my batteries for my camera. (It^s amazing how you can get lost in such a small town). We got on a river raft and road the river, it wasn’t as challenging as some California rafting trips I have been on. I wish I could have got the footage of that. Then we took another drive and I went all the way to the foot of the mountains.
We are in Gstaad, Swich. where the US Open Tennis tournament will be here the 7-7-01, this weekend. Check it out so you will see the town. However, I will not be here, gotta go. We are leaving at 6:30 a.m. our time to head to Florence, Italy. So far Swiss, is my favorite place. When I get to Greece I may not come home. ; ) There is one thing I learned about Europe, when you ask someone a question, and they say “yall” (i.e.. I thought… yes) it really means, I don^t know what the hell you are saying, go away, in that direction you just pointed.
Say Hi to Speilberg. Happy Birthday Kandie. Sandy, what^s up with my email? Write me. I^^m not home sick yet. There is no time, must go on. Caio’ for now.
You are all in my thoughts. God bless you, he is certainly looking over me.
Love Stacy.
Back log Europe 2001 **Read this first**


July 6th, 2001.
The emails I have sent you are usually all typed at a “Cyber Cafe” where you can rent a computer by the 15 minutes or half an hour or hour. First of all I was writing from a PC which is against my religion (I’m a Mackintosh die hard user) Navigating around a PC is foreign to me. Cutting and pasting is different, etc.
On top of that, I was writing on a foreign keyboard where I couldn’t find a lot of key things like a semi colon ‘ or a “@” or an “X” or the “Z.” For instance is the “X” is where the “T” is on a US keyboard. When you want to type a number i.e. “123” you have to push the shift button which is the opposite on a US keyboard. On top of that the web browser is in a different language if you wanted to copy and paste and go in the proper area it would be written in German, French or Greek, etc. Even the forward and back button etc., is in a different language. So in between cities on the train I used my Palm Pilot with a US keyboard to write more. The unfortunate part in getting it off the Palm Pilot into the emails. I simply cannot. Never the less you have been basically getting my notes from my trip. On top of the PC and foreign keyboard, I was always pressed for time. Either someone breathing down my neck to use the computer, or simply just limited time. In most cases I didn’t even get a chance to read my own emails before I pushed the “send” button. Hence, really bad spelling on top of my really bad spelling. So I apologize for this inconvenience of trying to figure out what I was saying.
Sooooo, you are going to get a back log of emails from the notes I took, in sequence. By popular demand, I will not send you the ending, before the beginning so we are going back in time to Switerland, our second stop on this wild adventure. I’m not going to even tell you if I’m in the “States” yet, maybe I went back to Greece, maybe I got married. Maybe I’m writing you from a jail cell because I video taped in places I wasn’t suppose to. Maybe I’m writing you from a Hospital because I got hit by a moped or bit by a bat …Or passed out from having to carry around a refrigerator on my back. Who knows. I have not given all these wonderful places justice. So here we go back in time… July 6th, 2001.

Italy ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Italy ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Back log Europe 2001 **Read this first**
We are now on our way to Florence; Italy, leaving Gstaad; Switerland, (Swiss) July 6th, 2001.
As we go down hill from Switerland, so does the surrounding CLEAN beauty. First of all, you would be amazed on how we find Hotels. For the most part Deana has two books, “Frommer’s Gay and Lesbian Europe” and “Europe on $60.00 a day” (i.e. US dollars). That gives us clues on where to start. When that doesn’t work out we use other methods. Like in Bern; Swiss, I asked this guy in a bar where a nice place to go was. He said “Gstaad: Swiss. That’s where all the famous people go and it’s not too touristy.” He said next year he will own a Bar there at the Hotel Bellerive. It’s in your budget, if you mention my name to the owner “Mr. Henry,” he will take care of you. If that doesn’t work out try this one…” Some other name. So I clued in the girls and they agreed to try it out. Mr. Henry said he would pick us up at the train station.
In Bern: Swiss, we did a lot of window shopping becausssssse everything closes at 6:00 p.m. That’s it. No more. During the day they close between about 12:00 and 1 for lunch. The only thing you can do is eat or drink. We did get to go in the stores however. If I ever want to shop, I would save it for here because EVERYTHING is made of the finest quality and material. No Chinese an Korean plastic crap, or American skimping and cutting corners. No, this stuff is made like a Swiss Army knife or watch. I highly recommend shopping here.
However, this common thing about “ice” has started to get on my nerves. In Europe you have to pay for a glass of water and if you ask for ice they don’t know what your talking about. If and when they figure it out, they think you are crazy for wanting it. At this one restaurant I asked for ice, I had to eventually point at my glass of water and say frozen water, then point to my place matt where I have drawn a ice cube, “aww” “blah, blah, blah” in there language. They come back with a glass with 3 ice cubes in it. What the hell. Sooo anyway. We ate, then rented bicycles and toured Bern. Well actually, since there are no billboards, advertisers lend out bicycles for free with there advertisements on it. Had we known that, we would have done this our first day in Bern. We are getting a lot of exercise from walking, walking and running to the train with our packs, walking stairs, riding bicycles, mopeds, etc. It’s quite a nice trip thir, there mascot is a bear. There are a couple in a Bear cage. Which I did not like because I just don’t like to see the wild locked up begging for food. Bern is beautiful. There is a huge river surrounding the town. The language is German. But don’t call them German. That’s a bad thing. They are Swiss and speak Swiss/German.
For the most part Deana has navigated us around. Even I can pronounce some of the Italian and French words within a country mile. German however, is very difficult for some reason. For one, the words are much longer and don’t come close to English, i.e.. British. I found it interesting watching Deana struggle with the words. She would say something like “we have to make a right on the “W… Y… street” Or the “Swer hot dog street” I laughed and said that’s what it’s like for me to read every day. If I don’t know a word, I just make up a word that is close so I can move on. The interesting thing about when it comes to reading billboards is it looks similar to something but I can’t really read it. So I look at it like a picture of words instead of attempting to read it because I know I can’t. Somehow I manage to get through life a lot like how we got through foreign countries, frustrated, half understanding, but manage. I mean imagine trying to get directions and they say make a right on Qualitätssieger Street, a left on Einrichtungsgebuehr Avenue, and another right on Grundgebuehrbefreiung Boulevard! How about a b-line to the nearest bar, to get a beir!
Our main concern is how to say where’s the bathroom, thank you, coffee, cream and ice. So we made it to Gstaad; Swiss. One more quaint town, less populated, and shops that close at 6:00 p.m.
As you read before about my purse ordeal, going off to the Swiss Alps and coming back all together, the Swiss are honest and it’s refreshing. Gstaad is a lot like Los Gatos or Sausalito, California. Quaint, small, expensive shops. But all quality stuff. Although nothing is more charming than having the ocean at your side. In Sausalito every once in the while, more often than not, you get the chilling saturation of a cold breeze from the San Francisco fog. In the Swiss Alps it’s the down breeze from the amazing massive mountain tops of snow. Even though we are here in the summer, the mountain tops have snow on them. Eventually, I rode my moped to the foot of the mountains. In some ways, the wind blew by me like a dam of water broke open and hit me. I was video taping while I was driving my moped and a gush of wind made me pull over and put it away. I need two hands to hang on. The closer I got to the foot of the mountains the more I felt the power of the wind gushing like a title wave of water.
When I finally made it back to the girls and then back to the Hotel, I passed by some local kids hiding behind a barn then running out to the street yelling something Swiss, then hiding again. It was a little game of hide and seek. So I drove by again, and then again, playing their little game, hanging on the horn. Yelling out Yaaa… Hooo!.
In our stay, we had the opportunity to go river rafting. Deana and Nachelle. Have never gone river rafting before. I however, have gone a few times. I told them just remember “go to the high side” when we hit a rock or if our boat is going to flip over “lean to the high side, where the boat is lifting out of the water.” We wedged our feet into the seat in front of us to hold us in. I tried to push Deana overboard with my paddle as a safety precaution to see if she knew how to use her feet to stay in the boat. “What the hell are you doing,” Deana said. I wanted to make sure you’re in. If I lose you, your grandparents will never forgive me, besides our train tickets are only good if we’re all together. I don’t want to have to drag around a dead body, as well as the refrigerator on my back. : )
The river wasn’t as wild as I thought it would be, being so close to the Alps, but it was a great ride. I didn’t bring any of my cameras for fear I would get them wet or drop them in the river. The ride down the river was beautiful, just looking at the different perspectives of the countryside. Some places were challenging and some were a smooth ride. As we passed by the cows I yelled out “are you happy cows?” They did not answer, but appeared to be happy. (This was at the “mad cow” disease time.)
Last night was our final night. We had to get up at 5 a.m., so Deana and Nachelle decided we stay up. “It’s only 3 more hours” Deana says. These two are usually packed before me. Of course I have a lot more gear and gadgets then they do. So I went up to pack. I learned never try to do it in the morning, especially when you have to leave.
When I was done packing, against my better judgement, I joined them in the Bar’ksh (as they say). There the owner/driver/matrodee/party animal/disco tech Dj/Mr. Henry, the bartender, and a couple of other locals, the ones D & N were partying with most the time, were in there drinking, dancing, and smoking. I keep asking Deana “How is the owner going to get us to the train station if he’s drunk?” “The bartender going to get us there” she says with the upmost confidence, as she swerves around in circles, moving her cigarette over to the side of her mouth to take another sip of Beer (Beir). I look over to the dance floor at the natives in their bell bottoms dancing with the Bartender who changed into her sweats, sipping off her drink. “How can she bring us if she’s drunk?” “She not drinking, she drinking soooda” Deana said. I just shook my head and said to myself, self, I better join them. So about 5:30 a.m. the sun was beginning to rise. I thought this would be a perfect photo opportunity.
So I hopped on my moped with my pajamas (PJ’s) on (When we go for long rides I like to ride in my PJ’s. I’m not worried what I look like, because we all look equally like hell.) So anyway, I went to the closest hill (a private road) parked my moped and sat on the road, you can do this here, and waited for the sun to rise. Well, that’s another thing that’s different here, the sun doesn’t really rise, it moves across the mountains. Apparently the mountains are taller than the sun, or it’s because here you are father away from the equator? Really, I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, but the sun was never straight above our heads. It was to my right when it fell last night, and is to the right this morning. Of course, they probably went over this part in school. That would have been the times I was taking an afternoon nap in class. Now I’m getting it, on the road lessons. At home it goes straight over my head from East to West.
Paris As I sat on this road pondering, my a’-ten-’cee-‘on (attention) was on this very common fence. The post is a thick wood branch thingie with a round metal loop nail thingie, with a piece of plastic ring in the center of the loop, that suspends a funny looking rope’ie wire’ie thingie. I think it’s an electric fence, ya know, to keep the sheep and the cows in. Giv’em a little buzz to keep them behind the fence. Well, earlier I came to the conclusion that’s what it was. As I sat there listening to this tingle/buzzing sound, I thought there should be some kind of warning sign, even if I could not pronounce it or know what it says, it should have something. What about children? So I was about to touch it to make sure that’s what it was. That’s what my brother Steve would do in this situation. Of course he has a lot of scars from these kind of experiments. He’d open a cupboard door and hit himself in his face too. In this case he probably would just grab it full force, as he’d say, “It can’t hurt you that bad”.
I however, picked up a piece of straw, and touched it with that. It started to vibrate. So I did it again. It vibrated again. Then I touched it quickly with my finger and felt a little tingle. In conclusion, I think it’s an electric fence. I would have further experimented if I had an extra day to recover from shock, but I must get on my moped and go. I sat my camera on the ground and snapped a photo of the sun hidden behind the massive mountains.
Anyway, that’s the way it is here, beautiful, clean, people are honest, they have values and they don’t have billboards. The children have pure fun and learn young, and adults are nice. All the homes and buildings are uniform and spread out on farms, and in harmony with the environment around them. Switerland is refreshing. (Unless your stuck indoors around a bunch of smokers). The fences are electric, the language is German/Swiss, and they don’t have hash browns, or Sierra Nevada, and they don’t serve a free glass of water with ice.
Now back at the ranch, I tryed to get the party animals rounded up and to the train on time.
As I locked up my last lock on my back pack, Deana and Nachelle contemplated staying another day. The owner offered a free room. They all fell in love with each other. Nachelle, “I don’t want to go.” “We were packed and ready to go”, I put my foot down (Considering I was the only sober one) and said “Lets go. We already made the decision.” I wanted to stay too. But this was far too spontaneous and we had reservations.
The entire Hotel staff minus the second bartender, took us to the train in a mad dash. I drove the moped and they followed so I could drop it off. They offered to take it back for me. I thought that was so sweet, considering the deposits on my credit card, and they are drunk, I said “It’s no problem… I’ll do it, let’s go.” At the station, they serenaded to us on the train. Sadly, we left Switerland. But I will be back someday, to shop and relax.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-3 Gstaad; Switzerland

Gstaad; Switzerland

Date: Fri., 6 July 2001 14:12:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
Subject: Swerland ; Gstaad – Erorpe 2001
To: Group
I have had the most amazing day. Yesterday was a warning, today was a blessing.

Yesterday we arrived in Gstaad, Swicherland. I took many photos and videos on the way. I highly recommend this trip to the Swiss alps. Every turn you make is like a post card from God. Even if you were to fall down and look up. It^s beautiful.
The air is clean, the water, the sky, the ground, and the people. The people are nice and have high values. Yesterday, when were all geared up to get off the train. Deana looked back and said, aww… look, the old man dropped his handkerchief. So I put down my purse, picked up two pieces of paper to scoop it up, and chased after him off the train, to give him back is handkerchief worth $2 American dollars. We were so enthralled with the good deed we did, we didn’t realize my mini backpack was on the train to the Alps, not a comforting feeling. Can you imagine anywhere in the Bay Area? In a panic, we tried to get together the resources to get the bag but the train had reached it^s last destination, and closed. It was 6:30 p.m.
The next day it was returned with 50 US Dollars cash, 200 Paris French Franks, three hundred AM Ex Travelers checks, and two of my personal checks. There was nothing we could do, I have good purse return karma, and sealed it with a prayer. Then I said screw it, rented a scooter and took some amazing photos. The next day it was in my hands un-opened and everything intact.
After a ride around town. I finally got a TRANSFORMER, not a converter. So I can charge my batteries for my camera. (It^s amazing how you can get lost in such a small town). We got on a river raft and road the river, it wasn’t as challenging as some California rafting trips I have been on. I wish I could have got the footage of that. Then we took another drive and I went all the way to the foot of the mountains.
We are in Gstaad, Swich. where the US Open Tennis tournament will be here the 7-7-01, this weekend. Check it out so you will see the town. However, I will not be here, gotta go. We are leaving at 6:30 a.m. our time to head to Florence, Italy. So far Swiss, is my favorite place. When I get to Greece I may not come home. ; ) There is one thing I learned about Europe, when you ask someone a question, and they say “yall” (i.e.. I thought… yes) it really means, I don^t know what the hell you are saying, go away, in that direction you just pointed.
Say Hi to Speilberg. Happy Birthday Kandie. Sandy, what^s up with my email? Write me. I^^m not home sick yet. There is no time, must go on. Caio’ for now.
You are all in my thoughts. God bless you, he is certainly looking over me.
Love Stacy.
Back log Europe 2001 **Read this first**

July 6th, 2001.
The emails I have sent you are usually all typed at a “Cyber Cafe” where you can rent a computer by the 15 minutes or half an hour or hour. First of all I was writing from a PC which is against my religion (I’m a Mackintosh die hard user) Navigating around a PC is foreign to me. Cutting and pasting is different, etc.
On top of that, I was writing on a foreign keyboard where I couldn’t find a lot of key things like a semi colon ‘ or a “@” or an “X” or the “Z.” For instance is the “X” is where the “T” is on a US keyboard. When you want to type a number i.e. “123” you have to push the shift button which is the opposite on a US keyboard. On top of that the web browser is in a different language if you wanted to copy and paste and go in the proper area it would be written in German, French or Greek, etc. Even the forward and back button etc., is in a different language. So in between cities on the train I used my Palm Pilot with a US keyboard to write more. The unfortunate part in getting it off the Palm Pilot into the emails. I simply cannot. Never the less you have been basically getting my notes from my trip. On top of the PC and foreign keyboard, I was always pressed for time. Either someone breathing down my neck to use the computer, or simply just limited time. In most cases I didn’t even get a chance to read my own emails before I pushed the “send” button. Hence, really bad spelling on top of my really bad spelling. So I apologize for this inconvenience of trying to figure out what I was saying.
Sooooo, you are going to get a back log of emails from the notes I took, in sequence. By popular demand, I will not send you the ending, before the beginning so we are going back in time to Switerland, our second stop on this wild adventure. I’m not going to even tell you if I’m in the “States” yet, maybe I went back to Greece, maybe I got married. Maybe I’m writing you from a jail cell because I video taped in places I wasn’t suppose to. Maybe I’m writing you from a Hospital because I got hit by a moped or bit by a bat …Or passed out from having to carry around a refrigerator on my back. Who knows. I have not given all these wonderful places justice. So here we go back in time… July 6th, 2001.
Back log Europe 2001 **Read this first**
We are now on our way to Florence; Italy, leaving Gstaad; Switerland, (Swiss) July 6th, 2001.
As we go down hill from Switerland, so does the surrounding CLEAN beauty. First of all, you would be amazed on how we find Hotels. For the most part Deana has two books, “Frommer’s Gay and Lesbian Europe” and “Europe on $60.00 a day” (i.e. US dollars). That gives us clues on where to start. When that doesn’t work out we use other methods. Like in Bern; Swiss, I asked this guy in a bar where a nice place to go was. He said “Gstaad: Swiss. That’s where all the famous people go and it’s not too touristy.” He said next year he will own a Bar there at the Hotel Bellerive. It’s in your budget, if you mention my name to the owner “Mr. Henry,” he will take care of you. If that doesn’t work out try this one…” Some other name. So I clued in the girls and they agreed to try it out. Mr. Henry said he would pick us up at the train station.
In Bern: Swiss, we did a lot of window shopping becausssssse everything closes at 6:00 p.m. That’s it. No more. During the day they close between about 12:00 and 1 for lunch. The only thing you can do is eat or drink. We did get to go in the stores however. If I ever want to shop, I would save it for here because EVERYTHING is made of the finest quality and material. No Chinese an Korean plastic crap, or American skimping and cutting corners. No, this stuff is made like a Swiss Army knife or watch. I highly recommend shopping here.
However, this common thing about “ice” has started to get on my nerves. In Europe you have to pay for a glass of water and if you ask for ice they don’t know what your talking about. If and when they figure it out, they think you are crazy for wanting it. At this one restaurant I asked for ice, I had to eventually point at my glass of water and say frozen water, then point to my place matt where I have drawn a ice cube, “aww” “blah, blah, blah” in there language. They come back with a glass with 3 ice cubes in it. What the hell. Sooo anyway. We ate, then rented bicycles and toured Bern. Well actually, since there are no billboards, advertisers lend out bicycles for free with there advertisements on it. Had we known that, we would have done this our first day in Bern. We are getting a lot of exercise from walking, walking and running to the train with our packs, walking stairs, riding bicycles, mopeds, etc. It’s quite a nice trip thir, there mascot is a bear. There are a couple in a Bear cage. Which I did not like because I just don’t like to see the wild locked up begging for food. Bern is beautiful. There is a huge river surrounding the town. The language is German. But don’t call them German. That’s a bad thing. They are Swiss and speak Swiss/German.
For the most part Deana has navigated us around. Even I can pronounce some of the Italian and French words within a country mile. German however, is very difficult for some reason. For one, the words are much longer and don’t come close to English, i.e.. British. I found it interesting watching Deana struggle with the words. She would say something like “we have to make a right on the “W… Y… street” Or the “Swer hot dog street” I laughed and said that’s what it’s like for me to read every day. If I don’t know a word, I just make up a word that is close so I can move on. The interesting thing about when it comes to reading billboards is it looks similar to something but I can’t really read it. So I look at it like a picture of words instead of attempting to read it because I know I can’t. Somehow I manage to get through life a lot like how we got through foreign countries, frustrated, half understanding, but manage. I mean imagine trying to get directions and they say make a right on Qualitätssieger Street, a left on Einrichtungsgebuehr Avenue, and another right on Grundgebuehrbefreiung Boulevard! How about a b-line to the nearest bar, to get a beir!
Our main concern is how to say where’s the bathroom, thank you, coffee, cream and ice. So we made it to Gstaad; Swiss. One more quaint town, less populated, and shops that close at 6:00 p.m.
As you read before about my purse ordeal, going off to the Swiss Alps and coming back all together, the Swiss are honest and it’s refreshing. Gstaad is a lot like Los Gatos or Sausalito, California. Quaint, small, expensive shops. But all quality stuff. Although nothing is more charming than having the ocean at your side. In Sausalito every once in the while, more often than not, you get the chilling saturation of a cold breeze from the San Francisco fog. In the Swiss Alps it’s the down breeze from the amazing massive mountain tops of snow. Even though we are here in the summer, the mountain tops have snow on them. Eventually, I rode my moped to the foot of the mountains. In some ways, the wind blew by me like a dam of water broke open and hit me. I was video taping while I was driving my moped and a gush of wind made me pull over and put it away. I need two hands to hang on. The closer I got to the foot of the mountains the more I felt the power of the wind gushing like a title wave of water.
When I finally made it back to the girls and then back to the Hotel, I passed by some local kids hiding behind a barn then running out to the street yelling something Swiss, then hiding again. It was a little game of hide and seek. So I drove by again, and then again, playing their little game, hanging on the horn. Yelling out Yaaa… Hooo!.
In our stay, we had the opportunity to go river rafting. Deana and Nachelle. Have never gone river rafting before. I however, have gone a few times. I told them just remember “go to the high side” when we hit a rock or if our boat is going to flip over “lean to the high side, where the boat is lifting out of the water.” We wedged our feet into the seat in front of us to hold us in. I tried to push Deana overboard with my paddle as a safety precaution to see if she knew how to use her feet to stay in the boat. “What the hell are you doing,” Deana said. I wanted to make sure you’re in. If I lose you, your grandparents will never forgive me, besides our train tickets are only good if we’re all together. I don’t want to have to drag around a dead body, as well as the refrigerator on my back. : )
The river wasn’t as wild as I thought it would be, being so close to the Alps, but it was a great ride. I didn’t bring any of my cameras for fear I would get them wet or drop them in the river. The ride down the river was beautiful, just looking at the different perspectives of the countryside. Some places were challenging and some were a smooth ride. As we passed by the cows I yelled out “are you happy cows?” They did not answer, but appeared to be happy. (This was at the “mad cow” disease time.)
Last night was our final night. We had to get up at 5 a.m., so Deana and Nachelle decided we stay up. “It’s only 3 more hours” Deana says. These two are usually packed before me. Of course I have a lot more gear and gadgets then they do. So I went up to pack. I learned never try to do it in the morning, especially when you have to leave.
When I was done packing, against my better judgement, I joined them in the Bar’ksh (as they say). There the owner/driver/matrodee/party animal/disco tech Dj/Mr. Henry, the bartender, and a couple of other locals, the ones D & N were partying with most the time, were in there drinking, dancing, and smoking. I keep asking Deana “How is the owner going to get us to the train station if he’s drunk?” “The bartender going to get us there” she says with the upmost confidence, as she swerves around in circles, moving her cigarette over to the side of her mouth to take another sip of Beer (Beir). I look over to the dance floor at the natives in their bell bottoms dancing with the Bartender who changed into her sweats, sipping off her drink. “How can she bring us if she’s drunk?” “She not drinking, she drinking soooda” Deana said. I just shook my head and said to myself, self, I better join them. So about 5:30 a.m. the sun was beginning to rise. I thought this would be a perfect photo opportunity.
So I hopped on my moped with my pajamas (PJ’s) on (When we go for long rides I like to ride in my PJ’s. I’m not worried what I look like, because we all look equally like hell.) So anyway, I went to the closest hill (a private road) parked my moped and sat on the road, you can do this here, and waited for the sun to rise. Well, that’s another thing that’s different here, the sun doesn’t really rise, it moves across the mountains. Apparently the mountains are taller than the sun, or it’s because here you are father away from the equator? Really, I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, but the sun was never straight above our heads. It was to my right when it fell last night, and is to the right this morning. Of course, they probably went over this part in school. That would have been the times I was taking an afternoon nap in class. Now I’m getting it, on the road lessions. At home it goes straight over my head from East to West.
As I sat on this road pondering, my a’-ten-’cee-‘on (attention) was on this very common fence. The post is a thick wood branch thingie with a round metal loop nail thingie, with a piece of plastic ring in the center of the loop, that suspends a funny looking rope’ie wire’ie thingie. I think it’s an electric fence, ya know, to keep the sheep and the cows in. Giv’em a little buzz to keep them behind the fence. Well, earlier I came to the conclusion that’s what it was. As I sat there listening to this tingle/buzzing sound, I thought there should be some kind of warning sign, even if I could not pronounce it or know what it says, it should have something. What about children? So I was about to touch it to make sure that’s what it was. That’s what my brother Steve would do in this situation. Of course he has a lot of scars from these kind of experiments. He’d open a cupboard door and hit himself in his face too. In this case he probably would just grab it full force, as he’d say, “It can’t hurt you that bad”.
I however, picked up a piece of straw, and touched it with that. It started to vibrate. So I did it again. It vibrated again. Then I touched it quickly with my finger and felt a little tingle. In conclusion, I think it’s an electric fence. I would have further experimented if I had an extra day to recover from shock, but I must get on my moped and go. I sat my camera on the ground and snapped a photo of the sun hidden behind the massive mountains.
Anyway, that’s the way it is here, beautiful, clean, people are honest, they have values and they don’t have billboards. The children have pure fun and learn young, and adults are nice. All the homes and buildings are uniform and spread out on farms, and in harmony with the environment around them. Switerland is refreshing. (Unless your stuck indoors around a bunch of smokers). The fences are electric, the language is German/Swiss, and they don’t have hash browns, or Sierra Nevada, and they don’t serve a free glass of water with ice.
Now back at the ranch, I tryed to get the party animals rounded up and to the train on time.
As I locked up my last lock on my back pack, Deana and Nachelle contemplated staying another day. The owner offered a free room. They all fell in love with each other. Nachelle, “I don’t want to go.” “We were packed and ready to go”, I put my foot down (Considering I was the only sober one) and said “Lets go. We already made the decision.” I wanted to stay too. But this was far too spontaneous and we had reservations.
The entire Hotel staff minus the second bartender, took us to the train in a mad dash. I drove the moped and they followed so I could drop it off. They offered to take it back for me. I thought that was so sweet, considering the deposits on my credit card, and they are drunk, I said “It’s no problem… I’ll do it, let’s go.” At the station, they serenaded to us on the train. Sadly, we left Switerland. But I will be back someday, to shop and relax.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-3 Bern; Switzerland July 4, 2001. E equles MC squared.

Bern; Switzerland July 4, 2001.

Today is Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. and I am writing you from my hotel in Swerland. Swerland ISSSSS beautiful and clean. When they said we were on the 5th floor I wanted to pass out, I told Deana and Nachelle I can^?t make it up another step. The said they had an elevator. Whew! Our view is of a courtyard of a 4 to 8 stories high buildings and we’re over looking a very cool roof. It^’s picture^’esk. We have already been in town to visit Einstein’s house. I sat at his desk where he discovered the theory relativity… E=MC2. Tomorrow we hang around his home town Bern, Swreland and head off to the <ALPS TOMORROW, where we will river raft, and then head out to Florence, Italy.
I am having the time of my life, although my feet are tired. There is much to tell. I’m on my way to wake the girls from a nap so we can see how the night life is here.

Please give Speilberg my love. And I will be reporting from who knows where next?
God Bless you all.
Love Stacy $®¸p£‡ÈËÈ£

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-2 Paris, France. July 1, 2001. & Bern, Switzerland, does anyone speak English, so I can use this ËËÈing card!?

Paris Eiffel ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Paris Eiffel ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

Paris, France. July 1, 2001.  & Bern, Switzerland

Paris, France
Paris, France

Date: Wed, 4 July 2001 12:39:40 (PDT)
From: Stacy Poulos
To: Group
THE EAGLE HAS LANDED in EuROPe, and the eagle has very, very, very, tired feet. :0
wHERE DO i START<<<? fOR ONE <<<<i^M NOT ON DRUGS, iM a dyslexic, on a Swerland computer, which is in a German language, yeeks! With all these extra ¸®$£‡ÈË!?` stuff where something else used to be. So I can^t find some keys? Bare with me here. I apologize for the extra e^mails. I`ve used Yahoo for years but never tried to `cc anyone. Anyway….
We landed in Paris on Sunday, I lived through my fear of flying gracefully. The plane was full of people from Tahiti, who also spoke French. So I got warmed up on the ride over not understanding anything. I have learned to point to a map, and act out what I want, or draw it. Ice for instance, after three tries with the waiter today, who happened to speak Spanish (as well as German and French), I pointed to the water he brought me, that I did not order, then
as he intently attempted to understand me, I drew a cube on my place mat and pointed to my coke. He finally got it. “Yellow!” he said. (‘ice’ in Spanish, actually ‘Heilo’).  It’s a game of charades getting what you want, and where you want to go.
I finally know what it feels like to be a foreigner. Leaving Paris, I gave it another shot to call home to let my mom know I was alright. I bought a prepaid phone card and tried several times to call. I even had a man help, show me what to do, then another woman, then with the pressure of our train leaving to Swerland soon, I finally yelled out in the train station: “Does anyone speak English, so I can use this ËËÈing card!?” Two brave French women who spoke a little English helped me, then they got frustrated and went away as well. So I had to leave without calling again. When you pick up a phone in “The States”, as they say here, i.e. USA, the per-recorded operator gives you a choice to press “1” for English and “2” Spanish, they say the options in English, and then in Spanish. Here it^s just a prerecorded French operator that says something I don’t understand. That’s one situation where you can`t draw pictures or mimic what you need.
So what was the city of Paris like? Paris is beautiful. The buildings are 5 to 8 stories high and no more, unless it’s a monumental building of some sort. Every corner you turn is a 8 story long BLOCK of buildings with not even a crack between each other. Our first night out we were out longer than the metro and walked the streets home. At that time of night, I had a sense of “Gothem City” in the movie Batman. It was very strange to be there, somewhere so different and so far away from home.
We have been so busy hitting landmarks, catching metro^s (i.e. BART^s) We did not get to see the ^Eiffel Tower^ until our last day. I would have been too embarrassed to report back without seeing that. It’s very tall. It was built for the world’s fair. The French actually didn’t like it.
French people spend a lot of money on burring dead people. Every major street leads to this monument, “Arc de Triomphe”, where they honor the solders who protected their city. Facing that monument on the other side of town several miles away, is Napoleon’s Tomb. Also a huge building surrounded by beautiful sculptures and paintings. What I like most about the French is that they honor Art and Artists. And everywhere you turn you are reminded in some grandeur way.
Fortunately, we met a very kind woman named Sarah who spoke English and French. She was from “The States”, Florida to be exact. She helped plan some of the hot spots and volunteered to be our guide before she left. The one that I liked most was going to this area ‘Montmartre^’ that overlooks the city. You could see the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre (a world famous Museum that holds many treasured arts such as, The Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s works, all who I got to see, and many more). From the view point you can also see Notre-Dame (famous in my eyes from the movie The Hunchback Back of Notre-Dame.)

Vincent van Gogh's The Cafe Terrace
Vincent van Gogh’s The Cafe Terrace

Before you get to the view, you have to go through the crowded streets of cafes, street artists, restaurant’s, etc. It is like a summer street festival that has the ambiance of tranquility. I wish this was something I saw on the first day. I just cannot explain. This is where many artist paint “store front french cafes” and “restaurants.” I believe this is where Vincent Van Gogh was inspired to paint Vincent Cafe, A Night Cafe Scene in Paris and Monet, Toulouse-Lautrec. Other artist like Dali, Picasso, Erik Satie, Mistinguett and Dalida  also lived and/or worked there.  Here is what the cafe looks like today [click].

On this particular night I split up from the girls to meet them later. It just so happens I bought a very unique cool bottle of Evian water (From the very near French Alps) that I wanted to bring home. It was uniquely shaped like a woman’s figure, the lid had a loop on it, for sort of a handle. As it got darker I went to walk home, or to the Metro before it closed. There were these birds flying wildly around those Paris looking tiki type lights. I thought it was odd that they would be flying around at night, maybe there’s a special Paris type bird that stays out late like the French? As one came close, it dawned on me that they were bats, at the same time I had that thought, one swooped down attacking me. I gripped the loop on the water bottle and swung at the attacking bat, the handle stayed griped in my hand, as the bottle flew off into the sunset. I started running away and did not look back. They hung around lights because that’s where bugs hang out. Every once in awhile, they like to entertain themselves and watch tourist run for their lives, like I was.

Paris Eiffel ©2001 By Stacy Poulos
Paris Eiffel ©2001 By Stacy Poulos

After these 3 days of walking, standing, and taking the maze of the metro everywhere, my feet were tired. Soooo very tired. I just wanted to get to the Metro before it closed and back to my pad without missing my train and ending up stuck with the bats. Trying to find my way home with French street signs I could not pronounce.
In Paris people don’t just point you in the right direction, they walk you in the direction. Several blocks. On our first night out, one man followed us for at least 20 Paris blocks. They also walk fast like they are on a mission. Deana kept up with our guide while me and Nachelle tried to keep up, as we wonder why we are following this man we did not know?
I thought it was just that night with Deana and Nachelle and that guy particularly. When I was on my own and a little freaked out about the bat situation, I didn’t mind that some man walked me 6 blocks to the Metro.
When we first arrived in Paris off the Train from the airport, the girls were tired and frustrated because we got off the wrong exit. But I was soooo happy and excited I was levitating, it was like a dream. (Luckily I had a refrigerator strapped on my back (my backpack) to hold me down). Here I lived through a long flight, which I am scared to death to fly, and I’m alive and …in Paris!
We had to walk many blocks to our hotel, but I was enjoying every minute of it, tapping my feet all the way. When we finally got to our “Hotel Notre-Dame,” all 3 of us could not get in the elevator at the same time with our back packs. When we open the door to our room, we all laughed. The beds were so small they looked like children’s beds. There was just enough room to walk around the beds. Deana got on one of the beds and said “This is two doubles… (as in the AD she read when she booked the room) notice the dividing line between them.” We cracked up laughing.
We went cheap, we were determined to pay only $60.00 US dollars a night, $20.00 for each of us. Deana made the reservations in the US. We had 42 days to pay for hotels. It ended up being 1,230 French franks (Approximately $176.50 US Dollars) for 3 nights. When I went to sign my credit card bill it said “Montant: (Amount) 1,260,00 FRF… Signature Du Porteur” Meaning when I get home I’m going to have to pay this off… 1,260 FRF! That I do not quite understand? Deana assured me it was OK. I was reluctant to sign the bill. To cover myself and understanding what I am obligated to, I put on all my receipts “Apx. the amount I thought, sooo… (In this case I put apx $162.75 US). That way if I had a dispute this, this is what I signed for. It’s very unnerving to sign for such an amount when you don’t quite get the exchange thing. I went through the same thing getting cash. Do you want 5,000 10,000 20,000 franks? etc.? It’s not good to stand at a ATM machine at midnight with a calculator in your hand like me and Deana did. Yeeks! That will be 8,500 for that Happy meal! “…Bono petite.” Most of the time I sat there like when I was in the Cayman Islands looking at my change as though my hand has transformed into this ugly hairy arm. The wise thing to do before you buy something is to do it with authority, like know just about what something is going to cost before you go up, not give the –the deer in the head lights look, hold out all your money so they can take what they need.
The toilets were similar to the USA except for the flusher. It was more of a large button than a handle. And nothing spit water at you like I had been told. The most frustrating thing that I ran into was about the electricity situation. I was to bring the blow dryer, and Nachelle the transformer. She brought a converter, which our US plugs, plug in the back of -converting the plugs… Not! Transforming it! A transformer changes wattage. Their 230 watts in to our 110 watts. Watt’s of electricity is what powers things, and kills people who get the electric chair. Science question: What happens to an American 110 watt maximum capacity blow dryer when you plug it into a European wall. A plug that belts out twice as much electricity then it needs, 230 watts of raging electricity? Answer: It lights up like a Christmas tree, smokes like a fire before it pops and never works again.
The worst part is that I bought a $3,000.00 camera that I need to charge the batteries for and couldn’t the 6 weeks we were there. Without the batteries the camera is worthless. You can not get a transformer in Paris either. We looked in many locations. You can get the plugs that will allow you to blow up your equipment, but not the transformer. This created a lot of stress. Especially when Deana was not happy with her hair.
NOTES: July 4th, 2001 better known as the “Fourth of July” in America. We are safely on the train, together with everything minus one blow dryer. I’m wearing my gray Old Navy tank top with the American Flag on it, pondering over the French country side from the window of the Euro train. I’m excited to be moving onto my next destination, Swisterland. I lean over to Deana and Nachelle and say “Happy Forth of July” and smile. “I guess they don’t celebrate the Forth of July over here.” No. Especially when we probably kicked their butt. (So I was wrong it was the British, what can I say I slipped through the cracks in school) I realize at this moment that there are other American traditions and holidays they don’t celebrate. Somehow, I feel as though I am being woken up about the world around me and the traditions I have known. Like Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays. It’s a time to see my family and pig out on Turkey.
As I ponder out the train window –I realize, have really made it to Europe!

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers

Europe 2001-1 Start here, Innies & Outies, Onezy-Twozy’s – Intro To Europe


Europe Map 2001
Europe Map 2001

Innies & Outies, Onezy-Twozy’s Frome the book Life In A Nutshell by Stacy Poulos

Some people have “innies” and some people have “outies” (belly buttons). It used to bother me that I had an “outie,” boys have “outies.” As I got older and more womanly like, I developed an “innie.” Basically, I got fatter and my stomach grew around my belly button. Now it bothers me I have an “innie.” Which brings me to another pointless point about “number one” and “number two”. It’s very traumatizing for a child not to know which is which. This is one of those tricky questions children ask you outside of the class room, “do you need to go ‘number one’ or ‘number two?” After awhile, I realized you don’t say “number two” under any circumstance, because I realized that meant you had to go “poop.” And that’s far too much information and ammunition for a child to have on you. Growing up can be traumatizing. It seemed as though everyone else got a manual that I didn’t. Even the how to ask embarrassing questions of other kids. I always seemed to have the wrong answer, I was a target for them. Going to the bathroom has been a stressful thing for me since elementary school. Even in college I would have people run the water so I could concentrate on peeing. If you had to use a butt gasket, the person in the next stall would know what you were up to.
Somehow I slipped through the cracks and never knew what was the true answer was until I was about thirty-four. By high school I was too far gone to ask, and I never trusted a friend well enough to ask either. I guess my mom never covered the ‘onezy-twozy’ thing because she called it like it was, where ever it was… “Honey, do you have to take a shit?” Not that turning to my grandparents was any better. I suppose it was passed down from generation to generation, because I recall my Nana saying the same thing. If you are a parent, even if you call it like it is, make sure your children know the difference! So here I am breaking away to Europe with little knowledge about the way things are out there, concerned about special European toilets spitting water at my ass.
Not too many know what goes on in my head. But for someone who didn’t do well in school, I think about a lot of fine details. I think a lot has to do with the combination of my mom and older brother. My mom’s a freak. If you have a cold, she doesn’t want you to touch her or anything that comes in contact with her. And my older brother likes to point out microscopic stuff. Like when he showed me a close up of my favorite “Blue Cheese” and the “blue” was mold. I haven’t touched it since. When he talks about any subject, he says it with such authority and conviction as though he invented it himself. That’s why we called him “Scout Master” as a young teenager. When I would ask him, “How do you know?” He would always reply, “I just know.” So I am very aware about microscopic things. Like did you know flies go “number two” and puke every time they land? That’s what the Scout Master joyfully told me. So I freak out when one lands on me or anything  they touch. Whenever I see, one I’m self-conscious of where they are located, and I sanitize what they touch or not eat if they land on my food. My dad said that you catch people’s colds if you shake their hands. Hearing this leaves an imaginative three dimensionally visual person paranoid.
Before starting my adventure to Europe (the other side of the world to me), I went to the Pride parade in San Francisco with some friends on BART. Eventually we got separated,but I still managed to have a good time on my own. A few minutes before midnight I realized I only had five minutes to get to BART for the last train home. Well! In a panic, I ran out of this club looking for a cab to get me to the BART station. I had no time to wait so I ran like crazy to BART and caught the last one. Whew! Fortunately I already had prepaid for the ticket because that takes me a long time to figure out how to get the ticket out of the machine. Next thing you know I woke up forty minutes later at the end of the line in Pleasanton, eight miles from my stop (Castro Valley) where I should have gotten off. In a daze, I asked about a train going back. They said it was the last one of the evening. So there I was, at one A.M. in the morning, two days away from leaving for another country and I have to call my mom for a ride home because I missed my exit. Nothing like trying to make my mother worried, on top of worrying about me leaving the country. “What the *@&%!, I can’t believe you fell asleep on the F*@&%ing train!”, she says. Her way of encouragement and parental advice. My younger brother picks up the phone at the same time. They argue about what an idiot I am. My brother hangs up. My mom says, “What are you going to do in Europe?” I said, “Look at the bright side, I’m not calling you from Germany needing a ride. Deana will look out for me. Besides, our tickets are no good unless we are together.” Extra insurance! As I sat in the cold waiting for my mommy, I thought, “What if I was in Germany?” Yeeks! I tried not to think about it.
It just so happens there was a lot of coverage in the news that Europeans rip off tourists. The news show 20/20 did a report on how people stole wallets, etc,. Even though people never really talk about Europe, it seems everyone I talked to, talked about the pickpockets, and how they come up and cut the straps of your purse and run. Considering I’m bringing $3,000.00 worth of camera equipment, etc. I prepared myself. I was as prepared as I could be, I thought. I had reinforced my purse straps with cable wire so no one could cut it and run. I had an alarm I could attach to my bag and a chair, if anyone tried to move it, it would go off. I had mini locks on all my zippers, as well as a money belt. A metal cord went from my camera to whatever I hooked it on with a lock on the end, so it wouldn’t leave without me knowing. I had a warm sleeping bag, blow up pillows, eye patches, sanitizing wash, a mini first aid kit, a flash light, two alarms, two watches, one watch with three time zones and an alarm, two money calculator converters with alarm clocks, a waterproof container for my passport, as well as many other mini gadgets. I scanned the girls and my ID’s, passports, and our tickets and burned them onto a mini CD as big as a business card and kept it with me, and one at home in case we lost it. I was covered, and I knew what “number one” and “number two” was. I also had a lot of room on my VISA card to charge my way through Europe and home again. But I had nothing that would prevent me from getting lost or separated. I bought three walkie talkies so we could find each other in a two mile range. We lost one before we got on the air plane.

Date: June 29, 2001. By Stacy Poulos v4 Published in “Life In A Nutshell” 2008.

PostcardTraveler Adventure Magazine
Host: Photographer / Filmmaker Stacy Poulos
Author of ‘Life In A Nutshell’
>>Pinterest Bucket List: https://www.pinterest.com/pctravelers/
Need a product or service reviewed?
Send it to: 
Po Box 20608, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Have camera will travel. 
©2011 Postcard Travelers